Monitoring and inspection in pipeline integrity management against geothreats

Year: 2016

Publication type: Best Practices

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This guideline registers the best practices and lessons learned from monitoring and inspecting pipelines, rights of way and triggering agents of land instability processes tending to threaten pipeline integrity, aiming at detecting and measuring geothreats. Its scope includes the description of geothreats and the supervision and monitoring mechanisms, their implementation, file and criteria for data management; the description of the supervisions and inspections to survey the surphase and the evidences of instability and failure; land monitoring, the triggers that materialize threats and the measurement of the effect that the geothreat has in the pipeline, and the geographic information sistems, as a geothreat management tool. The last section of the guideline includes specific implementation experiences of the practices, in order to provide a clearer and more applicable explanation of concepts.


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