



Assessing Oil and Gas industry decarbonization plans


The need to rapidly decarbonize the economies to stabilize the global temperature rise and the negative effects of climate change implies massive challenges for the oil and gas companies, whose operations represent approximately 15% of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) related to energy, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

Decarbonization is a top priority of the oil and gas sector companies, which are implementing diverse actions and plans in that direction.

In this event, the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) will present their report “Climate and Energy Benchmark of the Oil and Gas Sector 2023,” which assesses the low-carbon transition plans of the 100 most influential oil and gas companies, and it is an international reference on this topic.

The event is an excellent opportunity for peer discussion and learning about how to design, promote, implement, and communicate effective just transition plans, identifying gaps and improvement opportunities.


Present the report “Climate and Energy Benchmark of the Oil and Gas Sector 2023” elaborated by the World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) which assesses the low-carbon transition plans of the 100 most influential oil and gas companies. Discuss how the oil and gas companies in Latin America and the Caribbean are advancing in their low-carbon transition. Analyze how to promote, implement, and communicate more robust, feasible and just low-carbon transition plans, based on this framework.


Laura Hurtado Verazaín
Decarbonization & Energy Research Analyst
World Benchmarking Alliance

Vicky Sins
Decarbonization & Energy Transformation Lead
World Benchmarking Alliance