Fuel and Vehicle Technology Developments from the Year 2000 and Beyond

Year: 2004

Publication type: Studies

Public files

This report provides a detailed review of vehicle emissions control developments and research since May, 2000, when the ARPEL Report on “Options for Atmospheric Emissions Control Strategies” was published.It is primarily intended to be an update of previous work, but provides enough background information for the context of the developments. The previous ARPEL study produced a comprehensive report that provided the ARPEL members with an overview of the influence of fuel composition onair pollution at the local, regional, and global level. This ARPEL report also considered the efforts to develop improved fuel formulations and advanced engine echnologies to lessen the air quality impacts of transportation. The focus of the report was on conventional fuels, gasoline and diesel, while there was some discussion of the efforts that were being directed toward developing clean alternativefuels.

Public files

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