Arpel participated in a workshop organized by the environmental agency NIMOS (National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname) and the Staatsolie Hydrocarbon Institute (SHI), with the purpose of learning about good regulatory and management practices in the value chain of this industry and sharing them with professionals from various government agencies of Suriname.
Suriname is currently in an interesting process of developing its offshore hydrocarbon resources to support its socio-economic growth.
To develop this workshop, which took place June 14-16 in Paramaribo, NIMOS and SHI invited Arpel, API (American Petroleum Institute), IOGP (International Association of Oil & Gas Producers) and IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors) -who created together with IPIECA the Trade Associations Support Group for environmental issues in the Caribbean-, to share the industry’s international experience and knowledge on good operational, environmental management and safety practices throughout the offshore value chain, which, together with Suriname’s experience, would allow considering opportunities for their application in the development of regulations in the sector in the country.
Carlos Garibaldi, Executive Secretary of Arpel, shared the experience gathered by the Association over the years in the region in order to promote the development and implementation of regulations.
Garibaldi also showed a status of the situation and perspectives on energy transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
This activity is an example of Arpel’s role as an articulator of cooperative and pragmatic dialogue between companies, governments, regulators and business associations in Latin America and the Caribbean, thus driving the transformation of the oil, gas and renewable energy sector in times of energy transitions and new risk dynamics.
PHOTO: Carlos Garibaldi of Arpel, Jim Rocco of IADC, Diana Khatun of IOGP, Vandana Gangaram Panday of SHI, Wafik Beydoun of IOGP, and Cedric Nelom of NIMOS.